Popular April 4, 2024 5 min read

How Tip Automation Protects Your Business and Your Employees

Learn how tip automation ensures compliance, minimizes errors, and keeps your staff happy.

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Understanding the President’s New COVID Guidelines for Workplaces

Within the first two days of Joe Biden’s presidency, he signed various executive orders, with one of the key focuses…

Pre-shift with a purpose

We hear the term “game-changing” a lot these days—the trend of game-changing pre-shift meetings being the latest example in the…

Your POS won’t save you…

A restaurant needs to remain competitive in a rapidly changing market by incorporating new technologies— and a traditional POS (Point…

Some Key Thoughts to Consider Between Local Restaurants and Chains.

From complexity to profitability, there are big differences between running a single restaurant and managing a multi-state chain of them.…

Critical Softwares for Restaurant Owners and Managers

Every restaurant owner needs software to help handle key management tasks. The right technology can keep you and your team…

What the New Minimum Wage Adjustment Means for Your Restaurant

Everyone wants to earn a fair wage, and everyone wants to pay a fair wage. But the current economic situation…