
SSP America

How TipHaus Streamlined Operations and Boosted Transparency, Saving SSP America $4,500 per Month

Ever wonder how airports manage to bring the flavors of a region to hungry travelers? SSP America, the aviation industry's "Food Travel Experts," with over 200 tipped employees, does just that! Their mission goes beyond delicious food; they also strive to cultivate a positive and inclusive work environment. However, managing tip distribution for their team posed a challenge. Learn how TipHaus revolutionized SSP America's tip allocation system, ensuring fairness and transparency, reducing conflicts, improving operational efficiency, and ultimately contributing to a happier, more engaged workforce.

Executive Summary


International airports in the US, Canada, and South America.

Business Type:

Contract food services provider

# of Locations:

2,800 units


John Wolfred, HR Manager


SSP America's pre-TipHaus system led to conflicts over tip sharing, with inconsistencies in how different units handled tips. This lack of structure caused confusion and required a dedicated staff member to manage tip distribution, adding cost and inefficiency.


TipHaus automated tip distribution at SSP America, ensuring fairness and transparency. This eliminated conflicts and made employees more flexible, while detailed insights reduced financial discrepancies and streamlined workflows.


SSP America has established itself as the aviation industry's leading expert, celebrated for introducing the region's culinary delights to airports and creating a true sense of place. Dedicated to fostering an inclusive and supportive work environment, they strive to ensure their team members can thrive. Their mission is to deliver exceptional local dining experiences to every airport they serve, driven by steadfast principles and a solid foundation. In a conversation with John Wolfred, HR Manager, we explore how TipHaus has been instrumental in evenly and transparently allocating tips across 22 airports and 114 revenue centers, minimizing financial discrepancies and instances of cash mismanagement, and significantly reducing employee turnover.


Before implementing TipHaus, SSP America faced tip distribution and management challenges. Employees were responsible for figuring out how to share tips, leading to conflicts, particularly regarding register tips. The lack of a standardized approach meant team members might be less inclined to rotate through different roles. Additionally, finding a fair way to pool tips across the 200 tipped employees proved challenging, leading to confusion, especially for staff in supporting roles. Previously, SSP America had many units handling tips in different ways, resulting in inconsistencies in employee compensation. To manage this, they hired someone to keep all the information in spreadsheets, requiring a full-time position dedicated to maintaining these records, which was time-consuming and costly.


The implementation of TipHaus revolutionized SSP America's approach to tip management. By automating tip distribution, TipHaus ensured that tips were evenly and transparently allocated, eliminating conflicts over tip sharing and making employees more willing to rotate through different roles. The software provided detailed insights into sales, transactions, and employee activities, significantly reducing financial discrepancies and instances of cash mismanagement. TipHaus made it easy to identify issues, refunds, or thefts by allowing the pinpointing of transactions, times of day, or specific employees involved. This transparency and precision also fostered compliance with union agreements and state regulations, enhancing legal security and employee trust. Operationally, TipHaus streamlined workflows, saving SSP America $4,500 monthly by eliminating the need for a dedicated role to manage tips. Furthermore, by creating a fairer and more transparent work environment, TipHaus helped reduce employee turnover, contributing to increased retention and overall employee satisfaction.

"I like all of it. The breakdown sections are fantastic. I can easily see sales by location and team members, which is incredibly helpful. Plus, the detail is amazing! If there's ever an issue with a refund or someone forgetting to ring something in, it's easy to pinpoint the exact transaction, time of day, and even the employee involved. It's brought a lot of transparency to the whole process.

We've even had some interesting side effects. There have been a few times where employees have requested transfers to different areas after seeing how much others are making in tips through the TipHaus data. It's definitely helped us be more upfront with new hires about tip expectations too. With our new tip pooling system, we can now confidently quote a base salary that includes what they can expect to receive in tips."

John Wolfred

HR Manager


  • $4,500 Saved per month on manual labor
  • 100 Hours saved per month in manual calculations
  • 0 Legal compliance headaches
  • Eliminated the need for additional payroll staff

SSP America's transition to TipHaus has delivered a winning combination for both their employees and their bottom line. Tip discrepancies are a thing of the past, replaced by a culture of transparency and trust fostered by the platform's fair and automated tip distribution. Streamlined workflows have freed up valuable time for staff, allowing them to focus on delivering exceptional service to airport travelers. With compliance ensured and operational efficiency boosted, SSP America is well-positioned for continued growth and success.

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