Popular August 10, 2023 5 min read

Rise in Contactless Payments and QR Codes

Rise in Contactless Payments and QR Codes

Whether you’re a frequent diner, industry professional, or someone keeping up with the latest trends, you’re likely familiar with the term “contactless payment.” As technology continues to shape the service industry, contactless payments and the use of QR codes are at the forefront of innovation. This blog explores the numerous benefits and changes related to contactless payments, and how TipHaus expects to be a part of its future. 

Join us as we explore the service industry’s rising digital trend: Contactless Payments.  

What is a Contactless Payment?

A contactless payment is a secure and convenient method that allows consumers to pay for goods and services without the use of traditional methods like cash or card. Instead, a contactless card, smartphone, or QR code is placed near a compatible card reader, or the vendor’s point of sale (POS) reader, when it is time to pay. 

  1. Convenience: 

The convenience of contactless payments is one its most loved features. Instead of scrambling for cash or typing in a PIN, you have the ability to make your transaction quick and effortless.  With a simple tap or wave of a card or smartphone your purchase is complete in seconds. There is no physical contact necessary, which provides a convenient solution for both workers and customers in your restaurant. 

  1. Enhanced Security:

Contactless payments are equipped with strong security features like tokenization and encryption to reduce fraud risk for its users. These features help ensure that your data is securely transmitted and stored. This added layer of security gives customers the confidence they need to use their contactless payments without fear of losing their hard earned money.  

  1. Speed and efficiency at checkout: 

When it comes time to check out, contactless payments help cut down the time it takes to pay, making the process more efficient. Implementing this feature can increase table turnover and get customers in and out of the restaurant quicker, while maintaining high customer satisfaction. 

Fun Fact :

With Apple Wallet, you can pay your bill without needing to unlock or sign into your phone. It works without internet connection, cellular data, or charge. And yes, you read that right, even when your iphone has died, there may still be enough power in the battery to support Express Card transactions. This ensures that the process is quick, seamless, and ready for any scenario. 

What is a QR Code?

QR codes are the #1 form of contactless payments used, especially in the service industry. They are machine readable codes used to store information such as website URLs or payment details. QR codes are scanned using the camera on your smartphone which then redirects you to its unique page. 

  1. Ways QR Codes can be used: 

QR codes provide an affordable solution for restaurant owners to implement contactless payments, but they also offer much more! Yes, they can be used for payment details, but also for digital menus, mobile coupons, online reservations, a link to your website, or boosting special deals and promotions. QR codes are a valuable tool for restaurant owners to use to engage with customers while keeping the process efficient and touch-free. 

  1. How to get a QR code:

Luckily, there are numerous platforms that will assist in the process of generating a QR code. After you have determined the purpose or content for your unique code, you can use an online generator to input your information that will produce your very own two-dimensional matrix barcode. Examples of reliable platforms include QRFY, QR Code Generator Pro, and QR Tiger. Once this is complete, the code can be downloaded and displayed in an easy-to-scan location for customers to enjoy! 

The Rise in QR Code Tipping:

Skip the sale, just the tip, please.

QR codes are gaining traction in our increasingly cashless society; and have proven to be a convenient solution for expressing appreciation through tipping. There has been a rising trend in tipping beyond restaurant workers, extending the gratuity to hardworking employees like housekeepers and valet drivers who go above and beyond to make sure you have a quality experience. 

Often these workers do not have the opportunity to receive tips through conventional methods; this is where QR codes come to the rescue. No more worrying about not having cash on hand, or waiting for the right moment to show that you value their services.  

Scan, tip, and show your appreciation directly from your phone.

The Future of TipHaus in the World of Contactless Payments: 

In an era where contactless payments are becoming increasingly robust, TipHaus will be there to take over traditional tipping methods. Our innovative platform is designed to streamline the tipping process, making it simple and secure for both customers and employees.

Valet drivers, housekeeping staff, and other service professionals can receive their well-deserved tips without the hassle of having to take out cash. That’s the power of TipHaus. 

Last but not least, don’t hesitate to reach out! You can visit us at tiphausstage.wpengine.com and schedule a demo.

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